Intrapersonal (“within the self”) skills are the internal abilities and behaviors that help you manage emotions, cope with challenges, and learn new information.
These skills, which largely relate to emotional intelligence, include:
These skills, which largely relate to emotional intelligence, include:
- Responsibility
- Self-Confidence
- Resilience
- Self-Discipline
- Persistence
- Openness to new ideas
- The ability to overcome stress
- Time management
- managing behavior and emotions
- weathering challenges
- working toward goals in spite of distractions
- Responsibility – Responsibility means you do the things you are supposed to do and accept the results of your actions. An individual with a highly developed sense of personal responsibility is more likely to succeed in school, in the workplace, and in society at large.
- Communication Skills – Never underestimate the importance of communication skills. The ability to communicate information accurately, clearly and as intended, is perhaps the most important of all life-skills. It’s our priority as Zaridi Afrika to improve on the ability to speak, listen, question and write with clarity and conciseness of all our participants.
- Emotional Intelligence – Emotional intelligence is a set of skills associated with monitoring one’s own and others’ emotions, and the ability to use emotions to guide one’s thinking and actions. Emotions impact our attention, memory, and learning; our ability to build relationships with others; and our physical and mental health. Teens with higher emotional intelligence manage emotions effectively, are better able to pay attention, are more engaged in school, have more positive relationships, and are more empathic.
- Recognizing emotions in oneself and others;
- Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions;
- Labeling emotions accurately;
- Expressing emotions in ways that are appropriate for the time, place, and culture; and regulating emotions.
- Stress Management – Childhood isn't all fun and games. Even young children can feel worried and stressed. Just like adults, children may expect too much of themselves and then feel stressed when they feel that they have failed. Effective stress management helps a child break the hold stress has on his/her life, to ensure they can be happier, healthier, and more productive. Our ultimate goal under this volume is to train young people on how to balance life, with time for school work, relationships, relaxation, fun, and the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on.
Playing fun and captivating games is a great way of helping the kids unwind