The first few years of a child’s life is critical to their overall development, that’s why many parents are concerned with making sure their child develops the cognitive abilities they need early on.
As we get older, our brain’s ability to adapt to change reduces, making the first few years of a child’s life critical to their development and success in the future. This bracket involves training on the following:
  • Analytical Skills – Analytical skills refer to the ability to collect and analyze information, problem-solve, and make decisions based on insights drawn from the collected information. Zaridi Afrika gives children the ability to define or identify a problem, how to generate alternatives or potential solutions, how to evaluate and choose between these and finally how to implement the chosen solution.

Our CEO Mr. Michael Wanyaga enjoying a game of monopoly with the kids
  • Retained Attention – Active attention is a multidimensional cognitive process that includes the ability to select and focus on what is important at any given moment, the ability to consistently maintain mental effort while performing tasks that require mental energy and the ability to inhibit action or thought while previewing alternative actions or thoughts. Being one of our main volumes, we believe retained attention is the first step in the learning process for kids since it allows them to plan, monitor and regulate their thoughts and actions.
  • Information Processing – Information processing refers to how we deal with the vast amount of information that is available to us when we are performing skills. In line with the information processing theory, Zaridi Afrika trains children on the ability to process and respond to information received through their senses.
  • Team Work – Childhood is a wonderful time of life when the desire and opportunity to learn are both endless and uninterrupted. Thus, when it comes to training the young minds and inculcating life lessons in them, we, at Zaridi Afrika, have always believed in the axiom of ‘catch them young.’ The earlier we teach them the skills, the more prepared they are in using those skills all through their lives. And, out of the multitude of skills and lessons that our children learn during their time at Zaridi Afrika, one of the most important abilities they develop is that of working with others and being a part of a team.Generally, teamwork helps kids to be more welcoming to diversities, communicate better with others, increase their social skills and self-confidence, and helps them develop into happier adults.

None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa

As Zaridi Afrika, we strongly believe it is essential to think about not “what” children think or learn, but how they are thinking and learning. Why is cognitive development important?
  1. Cognitive development provides children with the means of paying attention.
  2. Cognitive development encompasses a child’s working memory, attention, as well as a child’s ability to manage and respond to the experiences and information they experience on a daily basis.
  3. Cognitive development can be compared to a child’s air traffic control tower – taking in information and processing it on a daily basis with intent and purpose.
When young children are provided an environment rich in knowledge development, skills, problem solving and dispositions, they begin to acquire essential building blocks that set them up to be the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.