Upcoming project


Zaridi Afrika, with its Headquarters in Nairobi-Kenya, is an institution that offers unique and personalized life-skills training to children, teens and the youth with the aim of helping them realize their innate potential.

​The first of its kind, Zaridi Afrika saw the need and urgency of creating a stimulating and interactive learning environment for young people, and an opportunity to attain the necessary knowledge, confidence, character, mindset and skills required to thrive in our rapidly changing post-modern and globalized world.
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Improved behaviour & better attitude

To nurture constructive attitude and behaviour. We aspire to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals


Increased social & emotional development

To prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society


Knowledge & Skills Development

Improving quality of life through gaining life management skills, a sense of direction for the future and resilience


Nurture Well - Rounded Citizens

Instil functional independence in children, teens and the youth. To cultivate leadership, character and integrity



In the new millennium, education is undergoing a revolutionized change regarding science & technology, globalization, privatization, urbanization, industrialization, etc. In addition, today’s children and youth are facing many emerging social, emotional, physical and psychological issues and once mature, they come across cut-throat competition, unemployment, lack of job security and other challenges.

Young minds are being considered as the most productive members of the society due to their physical and intellectual capability. But in real scenario, most of them are unable to utilize their potential in an appropriate way due to lack of guidance and motivation. Social problems like alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual abuse, smoking, juvenile delinquency and anti-social acts have to a large extent caused an adverse effect on them


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Zaridi Afrika In a Snapshot

Zaridi Afrika’s mantle is to equip children and teens of the 21st century with crucial skills and the technical know-how to becoming independent, productive, innovative, responsible and ethical members of society. Our well-thought-out programs prime these vibrant kids to be confident decision makers ready to make a positive contribution in their local communities and society at large.

Zaridi Afrika’s mantle is to equip children and teens of the 21st century with crucial skills and the technical know-how to becoming independent, productive, innovative, responsible and ethical members of society. Our well-thought-out programs prime these vibrant kids to be confident decision makers ready to make a positive contribution in their local communities and society at large.

With our main objectives being building of skills, nurturing constructive attitudes, instilling functional independence and cultivating leadership, character, integrity and resilience in young people, we believe without a shadow of doubt that Zaridi Afrika will bring adverse transformation in Kenya and consequently create a long-lasting solution to the ongoing societal concerns.

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What Our Clusters Cover

Our volumes are designed to offer children, teens and youth an opportunity to come together, discover talents and most importantly attain vital life-transforming skills, attitudes and knowledge, enabling them to face the world and triumph over adversities they may come across.



Teaching safety-related practices to children, teens and youth extend beyond the obvious. Considering emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time

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Parents and Kids Testimonials

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